When you contact private investigator Dallas, you need to have an idea of the tasks an investigator does and things an investigator cannot do. Of course, we are not referring to the incapability of a private investigator to do certain tasks, but the legal restrictions that stop him from executing certain tasks. Choose your private investigator wisely to get the desired outcomes and results.
Hence, when you go for affordable investigations Dallas, make sure to know that the following are some things that your investigator would not keep in his to-do list.
1. Your Private Investigator Cannot Arrest Someone For You
The private investigator has the permission to investigate cases, run surveillance, and at times even track down the people. However, the private investigator is not at all allowed to arrest anyone. Except in a few rare cases, a private investigator can make a citizen's arrest, in case they have witnessed the crime themselves. In any other case however, they cannot arrest a person.
2. Your Private Investigator Cannot Record Particular Conversations
In some cases, a private investigator is allowed to record a conversation. This is provided that at least one person involved in the situation is aware of the fact that it is being recorded. However, a private investigator is not allowed to record a private conversation between people if not even one of them is aware that they are being recorded. It is obvious that these laws vary from state to state. For example in California, it is only legal to record a private conversation when everyone involved in the situation is aware of the same.
3. Your Private Investigators Are not Permitted to Trespass
Legally, a private investigator is not allowed to enter someone's house/property without permission. Although, you might find some private investigators that are clever and are able to come up with great and valid reasons to enter a private home or business. In this case, they successfully get the information they require, and yet leave without breaking any laws at all.
Therefore, when you contact private investigator Dallas, you need to understand that they have legal boundaries too. However, when you go for affordable investigations Dallas make sure that you hire a smart investigator, who has the knowledge of all the loopholes in the legality of the situation. At Investigative Resources of Texas, we provide you just what you need. Call us immediately at 214-662-1006 Dallas or 817-773-1385 Fort Worth or 832-260-8389 Houston.
Hence, when you go for affordable investigations Dallas, make sure to know that the following are some things that your investigator would not keep in his to-do list.
1. Your Private Investigator Cannot Arrest Someone For You
The private investigator has the permission to investigate cases, run surveillance, and at times even track down the people. However, the private investigator is not at all allowed to arrest anyone. Except in a few rare cases, a private investigator can make a citizen's arrest, in case they have witnessed the crime themselves. In any other case however, they cannot arrest a person.
2. Your Private Investigator Cannot Record Particular Conversations
In some cases, a private investigator is allowed to record a conversation. This is provided that at least one person involved in the situation is aware of the fact that it is being recorded. However, a private investigator is not allowed to record a private conversation between people if not even one of them is aware that they are being recorded. It is obvious that these laws vary from state to state. For example in California, it is only legal to record a private conversation when everyone involved in the situation is aware of the same.
3. Your Private Investigators Are not Permitted to Trespass
Legally, a private investigator is not allowed to enter someone's house/property without permission. Although, you might find some private investigators that are clever and are able to come up with great and valid reasons to enter a private home or business. In this case, they successfully get the information they require, and yet leave without breaking any laws at all.
Therefore, when you contact private investigator Dallas, you need to understand that they have legal boundaries too. However, when you go for affordable investigations Dallas make sure that you hire a smart investigator, who has the knowledge of all the loopholes in the legality of the situation. At Investigative Resources of Texas, we provide you just what you need. Call us immediately at 214-662-1006 Dallas or 817-773-1385 Fort Worth or 832-260-8389 Houston.