Thursday, 28 March 2019

What can a private investigator not do?

Private investigators in Texas, and all over are superheroes for the people they save. However, there are some things that these superheroes cannot do either. It is better to know what private investigators in Texas can do or not do, to set the right expectations.

private investigators in Dallas | private investigators in East Texas

Following are five such things that a private investigator cannot do because of the laws and regulations:
1.    Breaking the Law
This one seems obvious, but it’s got more than you might think. Along with the limitations on the way of obtaining the information as well as other investigation techniques, a private investigator is prohibited from harassing a subject, trespassing any private property, using bribery, hacking techniques, pre-texting (refers to impersonating individuals), or any other deceitful methods in order to obtain information. They cannot be breaking the law for investigative purposes, or on behalf of their client.
2. Tampering with Mail
It is considered a federal offense for everyone, including the private investigators, to tamper with, open, or destroy another person’s mail.
3. Filming a Subject Through a Window to a Private House
Generally, investigators are allowed to exchange films as well as interactions which take place in public. However, they are not allowed to film the interior of a private property, through an open window.
4. Placing a GPS Tracker on a Vehicle Without a Consent
The trackers are only allowed to be placed with a consent from the owner. For example, a spouse is putting a tracker on the car his/her partner, he/she is allowed to do so only if the car is in his/her name and not in the partner’s. Likewise, a GPS tracker cannot be put on an on an employee's private car, by the employer. However, they can place a tracker on a company-owned vehicle. This is only when they have gone through the systematic steps of consent.
5. Hacking into an Email or a Social Media Account
Any kind of hacking, just isn't something that private investigators in Dallas will do. Few private investigators possess software, which helps them in accessing various information. This can be about profiles, for example, when were the photos posted and the data of where the person was at that time etc. However, in no case should a private investigator give an attempt to gaining access to a social media account, which belongs to another person.
In conclusion, there are a few things that private investigators are also restricted to do. However, smart and skilled P.Is know how to work their way around all of these laws, and still solve a case brilliantly. Call the best private investigator immediately at 214-662-1006 Dallas or 817-773-1385 Fort Worth or 832-260-8389 Houston.