Monday, 25 April 2016

Don’t Become Target of Hackers – Avoid These Password Mistakes

Using an easy-to-guess password may seem logical as it is easy to remember, but it is not at all practical or secure. Whether you are discussing your email account or bank account, it is very important to have a strong password to safeguard your information and privacy. Remember, a decent password can make the difference between you and a possible hacking accident, A weak password makes you vulnerable to hacking, identity theft, monetary theft, leakage of sensitive information and more. Hence, it is very important that you create and use more strong and secure passwords.
It is common knowledge that a password should not contain your name, date of birth, phone number and other personal details. Apart from these common rules, here are few other password mistakes to avoid –

  • Do not opt for short passwords. Remember, shorter the password, easier it is to hack it. Short passwords are not secure as a password of less than 8 characters can be easily broken with software.
  • Avoid using a long sequence of numbers like “123456789” as password. This type of password is not at all complex and really easy to guess.
  • A look at the list of 100 most obvious passwords reveals that “password”, “123456”  and “abcdefghijkl” are very common. These are the terms the hackers will try in the first place. It is better to check the list of obvious passwords to make sure you are not using any of them.
  • Do not use the same password for all your accounts no matter how convenient it seems. It is important to create unique passwords as in case of data breach, a hacker is not able to access more than one account.
  • People often tend to make a list password of all of their accounts and save it on their computer. Never save a list of password on sticky notes or text documents on your system.

Avoid these password creation mistakes and keep your accounts secure!

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