Monday, 23 April 2018

PART 1 - What are the common insurance scams that you need to be careful of?

The insurance industry is one of the largest industries in the country. This comes as no surprise, since the insurance industry comes with over a trillion dollars’ worth of premiums. However, this also becomes the biggest reason why a few people prefer earning easy and quick money through deceptive means. Unfortunately, they also do so by using a bait of the premise of financial security for the unsuspecting victims. If you fear that you have been scammed, get in touch with a private investigations company in Texas to investigate the matter. They have the resources, experience and expertise to handle insurance related scams.

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But, your first emphasis needs to be on staying smart to avoid getting scammed. Being careful while selecting an insurance policy is something to always keep in mind no matter who you are. Although, almost all of the insurance agents are true to their role and honest when it comes to their business, one should still watch out for particular signs that could tell them, that they might be falling into a trap of becoming a victim to insurance fraud. 

As successful private investigators Texas, we have compiled signs for you that might tell you that you need to look for another insurance agent -

1. Fake Insurance
When we took a look at insurance fraud cases, we found that most of them involve unwary victims paying a premium for a great insurance policy according to them, but later they fail to file a claim as that policy doesn’t even exist to begin with. The agents try to allure your interest by making exaggerated claims about the company’s reputation. They will sometimes present unauthentic certificates and documents to convince the people.

2. Embezzlement or Premium Theft
Even when you purchase a legitimate insurance policy, it is possible for you to become a victim to an insurance scam. In case of a premium theft, an agent takes the money that was paid for your insurance premium rather transferring it towards your policy. You can spot this if you pay attention to your payment records. If they show that you’re not paying as much as was originally shelled out, then there’s a big possibility that most of your cash was taken away by the agent.

Apart from these two common scams, we have more coming along in the next blog. Stay tuned. For any kind of investigative services in Dallas, Houston, Fort Worth or East Texas, get in touch with Investigative Resources of Texas.  They offer range of services like child abuse investigation, surveillance investigation and more in Texas, call 214-662-1006.

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