Monday, 30 July 2018

A glance at Insurance Fraud!

According to the Federal Bureau of Investigations, it has been found that the total cost of insurance fraud (excluding the non-health insurance) is calculated to be approximately more than $40 billion per year. This translates to mean that the insurance fraud costs an average family in the U.S. around $400 to $700 per year. This amount is in the form of increased premiums.

private investigations company in Texas

We are providers of affordable investigations in Dallas. Therefore, being a private investigations company in Texas, has given us a hell lot of experience when it comes to insurance fraud along with others. 

When we talk to you about insurance fraud, the first thing you should know is that  there are multiple types of insurance fraud.  This includes an automobile insurance fraud, a workers’ compensation premium evasion insurance fraud, a workers’ compensation claimant insurance fraud, provider fraud, a property insurance fraud and more. Fortunately for us and unfortunately for you, the insurance fraud has become a huge problem in the US.
But don’t worry, we’ll help! 

Now that you’ve understood that there are multiple types of insurance fraud, you should also know that there are different fraud-related crimes, as well as different types of fraud investigations. For example, in case of insurance fraud investigations, the work is done in order to uncover the people who have made false claims only in order to get the insurance money. However, when we talk about, the workers’ compensation investigations, they are the ones which are initiated in order to uncover those employees who have attempted to claim compensation falsely, for those injuries that do not even exist and are unreal.

The thing to really remember is that the fraud investigations can convert into a challenging task for many reasons. At first, the criminals are really skilled in their acts and are keen in making the extra effort in order to conceal the crimes they are committing. In the second place, it should be noted that for an investigation to work and be of use in a legal case, the investigator has to prove that the fraud was in fact intended. 

If you are a victim of insurance fraud as well, then as a private investigations company in Texas, we are always here, offering you affordable investigations in Dallas. Apart from that, our blogs are full of information related to investigations of various types to help you out!

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